CAS Advising Assignments
CASA is responsible for maintaining all undergraduate advisor assignments in the College. During the academic year, these assignments are updated approximately once a week beginning the week of census. During the summer, assignments are maintained less frequently due to limited advisor availability.
To update advising loads
CASA maintains Google Sheets for each department with information about assignment rules, amounts, and research leave/retirement changes. If you no longer have access or cannot find the link to your department’s spreadsheet, please contact Caitlin Saraphis or Chris Jordan for assistance.
To activate a new faculty advisor
New advisors must submit a Banner request form with 6Tech to get access to Banner Student for the purposes of advising. They must then complete FERPA and information security training modules in their Canvas accounts before their information will be sent on to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Only once all these steps have been completed and the Registrar’s Office has activated someone as an advisor in Banner can students be assigned and access to advising codes and Degree Works created in UNCGenie. This process can take two weeks to a month.
Graduate advisor assignments
Departments are responsible for maintaining their own advisor assignments for graduate students. Instructions on how to complete advisor assignments for graduate students can be found here.
CAS Advising
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